Funny Names for the Name-Caller-In-Chief

Funny Names for the Name-Caller-In-Chief

Posted by Gathered by Jane A Gordon on 31st May 2019

Funny or Fury? Humor or Hate? 
Call me a hypocrite if you want, I call it conflicted. Name-calling is against my core belief that we must never reduce a person to just one thing. At the same time, I’ve been struggling to understand my Trump supporting friends. Sometimes it all feels like too much, so in an effort to lighten the mood, I’ve been keeping a list of funny names for The Name Caller-in-Chief. 
Apparently Facebook will publish Trump’s name calling in video and writing, but deleted my post, and accused me of hate speech. Admittedly this list did cause a fight between my friend and her husband. She was laughing to hard that she kept waking him! 
What are your thoughts? And, do you have any names to add? ;-)
  1. 10-ply-super-soft bitch
  2. 2001 and Done
  3. 24 Times Convicted Felon
  4. 70 year old toddler
  5. Adolf Pumpkinhead
  6. Adolf Twitler
  7. Agent of Deranged Change
  8. Agent Orange
  9. A Man for all Treasons
  10. America's Burst Appendix
  11. Amnesty DonAngry Cheeto
  12. Anal Repulsive
  13. Angry Creamsicle
  14. Antichrist
  15. Antichrist Deceiver of Fans
  16. Apricot Idi Amin
  17. Ass Menagery
  18. Ass Whole
  19. Assaulter in Chief
  20. Baby Gherkin Fingers
  21. Baby-man
  22. Baby Whisper Skin
  23. Babyhands McCheetodick
  24. Backwards Pants
  25. Bad Looser
  26. Bad Tang
  27. Bag of Toxic Sludge
  28. Baldamort
  29. Bald-faced Crier
  30. Batta Blast
  31. Banana Republican
  32. Bananas
  33. Barbarian at the Debate
  34. Barbecued Brutus
  35. Beef Jerkey on Zoloft
  36. Been-a-Dick Donald
  37. Bela Lugrosi
  38. Benedict Donald
  39. Biden's B**ch
  40. Big Donald
  41. Big Lie-bowski, the 
  42. Bigly Loser
  43. Bigoted Billionaire
  44. Bilious Billionaire
  45. Bimbo Chaser
  46. Birther Maniac
  47. Blabbermouth Don
  48. Blitzkrieg Bozo
  49. Bloated Orange Has-been
  50. Bloatus
  51. Blonde Pumpkin
  52. BLOTUS (Biggest Liar of the United States)
  53. Bloviating Fleshbag
  54. Bloviator in Chief
  55. Blowhard
  56. Bog Sa Cheann (Irish for soft in the head)
  57. Bogus POTUS
  58. Boiled Ham in a Wig
  59. Boiled Maniac
  60. Boinker Oinker
  61. Boldfinger
  62. Bonespurs McFraudster
  63. Boob Looks Like a Traitor
  64. Boss Tweety
  65. Bully-in-Chief
  66. Bunker BoyBone Spurs-N-Harmony
  67. Boss Tweet
  68. Bouffant Buffoon
  69. Boychurian Candidate
  70. Bratman
  71. Bribe of Chuck
  72. Bribe of Chunky
  73. Brokahantis
  74. Bully Boy
  75. Burger Fondler
  76. Burnt Sienna Bumbaclot
  77. Bush Baby and Bush Baby Fingers
  78. Bushman
  79. Butternut Berlusconi 
  80. Buttplug face
  81. Cadet Bonespurs
  82. Calamari Lips
  83. Cancer in a Wig
  84. Candy Corn Kremlin
  85. Cantaloupe Caillou
  86. Cantaloupe Caligula
  87. Captain Bluster
  88. Captain Chaos
  89. Captain Ouchie Foot
  90. Captain Outrageous
  91. Captain Pumpkin in the Whitehouse with a Remote
  92. Captain Tantastic
  93. Carnival Barker
  94. Carrot Caligula
  95. Catastrophic Fuckhead
  96. Census Whitener
  97. Chaos Creating Criminal Creep
  98. Charm Vacuum
  99. Chauvinist-in-Chief
  100. Cheat Loaf
  101. Cheaten Donald
  102. Cheddar Boy
  103. Cheddar Head
  104. Cheeto Bandito
  105. Cheeto Benito
  106. Cheeto Cheezzzzyyy Poofff
  107. Cheeto Christ, Stupid Czar, Mad Tangerine Colored Commissar
  108. Cheeto Colored Slime Slide
  109. Cheeto Faced Fuck Muppet
  110. Cheeto Faced, Ferret Wearing, Shit-Gibbon
  111. Cheeto Jesus
  112. Cheeto Satan
  113. Cheeto Shitler
  114. Cheeto Voldemort
  115. Cheeto Von Gropenstuff
  116. Cheeto Von Tweeto
  117. Cheeto-Dusted Bloviator
  118. Cheetoe Jesus
  119. Cheeto-faced fuck Muppet
  120. Cheeto-In-Chief
  121. Cheetolini
  122. Cheeze Wiz
  123. Chester Molester 
  124. Chunk Norris
  125. Chicken Littlehands
  126. Chicken Poop Head
  127. Chicken Spined Gingersnap
  128. Chief Baby-Hands
  129. Chief Trouble
  130. Chimp-PAN-Zee
  131. Chunk Norris
  132. Cinnamon Hitler
  133. Circus-Peanut-In-Chief
  134. Clan Chowder
  135. Classless Wanna-Be-Tinpot
  136. Clear and Present Danger
  137. Clorox-Cocktail Pro
  138. Clown-igula
  139. Clown Prince of Politics
  140. Clown-Stick von Narcissist
  141. Clueless Numpty
  142. Clueless Orange Julius
  143. Cockwomble 45
  144. Cockwombly Dotard
  145. Cockwork (not) Orange
  146. Code Red Fascist 
  147. Colludacris
  148. Colorful Individual (from Putin!)
  149. Colonel Scammers
  150. Colonel Slanders
  151. Commander in Beef
  152. Combover Caligula
  153. Combover Con Artist
  154. Commander in Cheat
  155. Commander in Cheese
  156. Commander in Tweet
  157. Commander-in-Grief
  158. Community Theater Strongman
  159. Complete Failure
  160. Comrad Cheetolini
  161. Comrade Cheetolino
  162. Comrade Combover
  163. Con-Dike Gold Rush
  164. Confederate Con-Artist
  165. Conspiracy Commander-in-Chief
  166. Conspiracy Theory King
  167. Convicted Felon
  168. Cotton Candy Hair
  169. Cookie Pants
  170. Coral Babyhands
  171. Corrupt Mother F'er
  172. Corruption Master
  173. Count of Mostly Crisco
  174. Coup-a-Loompa
  175. Coup-coo Banana Cake
  176. Coup-Coup Crazy
  177. Coup-ssolini
  178. Coupthulu
  179. Coup-mander-in-chief
  180. CovefeFool
  181. Covidiot
  182. Cowardly Lyin
  183. Crap that Needs Scraping Off the Bottom of Our Shoes
  184. Craziest President
  185. Creep a l'Orange
  186. Creep Throat
  187. Creme de la Crazy
  188. Creme de la Creep
  189. Creme de la Dumb
  190. Crime Champ
  191. Criminal-in-Chief
  192. Crooked Donald
  193. Crown Prince of Politwits
  194. Crybaby Prima Donald
  195. Cult-45
  196. Cyber-Bully-in-Chief
  197. D-Bag
  198. Daddy Nobucks
  199. Daddy Warbucks
  200. Daddy's Reject
  201. Daffy Don
  202. Dainty Donald
  203. Danger Yam
  204. Dangerous Donald
  205. Darth Cheeto
  206. Darth Hater
  207. Darth Tax Evador
  208. Darth Traitor 
  209. Deadbead Donald
  210. Decomposing Jack-o-lantern
  211. Deeply Disturbed Fuzzy Orange Goofball
  212. Dehydrated Orange Peel
  213. Delirious Treasons 
  214. Delusion Paluza
  215. Delusional Fucktarded Orange Howler Monkey Leading A Circus of Freaks
  216. Demander-in-Chief
  217. Demented Popeye
  218. Dementia Donnie
  219. Depressed Testicle
  220. Der Fahrter
  221. Der Groepenfuehrer
  222. Deranged Donald
  223. Despot Cheetoe
  224. Detached from Reality
  225. Diaper Donald
  226. Dick A L'Orange
  227. Dick Tater
  228. Dickless Dictator Drumpf
  229. Dildon (A rigid, hollow, phony, brainless, plastic dick)
  230. Dingbat Donald
  231. Dingus Con
  232. Dingus ex Machina
  233. Dire Appy
  234. Dishonest Don
  235. DisHonor System
  236. Divider in Chief
  237. DJ Fat-Boy Don
  238. Dodgy Donald
  239. Dolt-45
  240. Don Dementia
  241. Don Juan
  242. Don Nots
  243. Don the Con
  244. Donadolf Trumpler
  245. Donald Bin Laden
  246. Donald Chickenheart
  247. Donald Chump
  248. Donald deGonad
  249. Donald Dingbat
  250. Donald Dipshit
  251. Donald Doom
  252. Donald Douche and the Bags
  253. Donald Drumfkopf
  254. Donald Duck Doo-Doo
  255. Donald Duck-the-Truth
  256. Donald J Trump (The biggest joke of all)
  257. Donald Tax-Duck
  258. Donald the Insufferable
  259. Donald the Menace
  260. D’ohnald Tяumpertantrum
  261. Donnie Bratso
  262. Donnie Doll-hands
  263. Donnie TicTac
  264. Donny Crapple Seed
  265. Donny Crock-o-Shit at the Alamo
  266. Donny Doodle Diaper
  267. Donny Jiggly Chins
  268. Doody on a Country (to others: Duty Honor Country)
  269. Doorknob Trundlefuck
  270. Dopey Don
  271. Dotard
  272. Douche a'Lorange
  273. Douche Bigalow
  274. Douche Canoe
  275. Douche of Hazard
  276. Douche Sadistic Duchenne Smile
  277. Douche Who Will Live in Infamy
  278. Doucheald Trump
  279. Dr. Strangelove
  280. Draft Dodger Don
  281. Dreamsicle Demon
  282. Droolius Geezer
  283. Drumpf (Original family name)
  284. Dubious Caesar 
  285. Dufos Don
  286. Duke Nuke ‘Em
  287. Dumb Dumb Butt Face
  288. Dumb Sauron
  289. Dumbelldore
  290. Dumbestdore
  291. DumbleDon
  292. Dumpster
  293. Dumpty Trumpty
  294. Ego Maniac
  295. El Crappy Tan
  296. El Creepo
  297. El Douche
  298. El Hombre de Tang
  299. Election Looser
  300. Election Looser in Chief
  301. Emperor with no Balls
  302. Emperor with no Clothes
  303. Emperor with no Clue
  304. Empty Narcissistic Shell Disguised as a Human
  305. End of Democracy
  306. Eric's Dad
  307. Excrement Example
  308. Exhibit A-hole
  309. Existential Threat to Democracy
  310. ex-president Mugshot McBonespur
  311. Failed 45
  312. Fake Pinocchio President
  313. Fanta Fascist
  314. Fanta Fascist
  315. Farcissist
  316. Fart with Bad Hair
  317. Fascist
  318. Faschists Friend
  319. Fascist Carnival Barker
  320. Fascist Gump
  321. Fat Failing Donny
  322. Fat Man Who Acts Like a Little Boy
  323. Fat Marie Antoinette
  324. Fat Nixon
  325. Fat Putin
  326. Fat Smellvis
  327. Fat White Slug
  328. Fatty Kreuger
  329. FAUXTUS
  330. Feckless Pustule
  331. Felon-Ade
  332. Feral Shulting Meatball
  333. Field Marshall Trump
  334. Fifth Avenue Freeze Out
  335. Filet-o-Farts
  336. Filet-o-Fool
  337. Financially Embattled Thousandaire
  338. F'ing Lunatic
  339. Flaba Dabba Goo
  340. Flabrador Deceiver 
  341. Flaccid Flag
  342. Flag Fondler
  343. Flatulent Furor
  344. Flesh Cavern Turkey Throat
  345. Flighty Wind
  346. Flip Flopper
  347. Flipper
  348. Flordian Fondler
  349. Flush Force One
  350. Fomentalist
  351. Fool
  352. Former Fiasco
  353. Former Government Employee
  354. Forrest Dump
  355. Forrest Trump
  356. Fortyfifth (doesn't deserve a name)
  357. Fragile Shit Dumpster
  358. Fraud
  359. Fraud Father
  360. Fraud Flinstone
  361. Fraud of Fifth Avenue
  362. Fraudo Baggins
  363. Fraudster in Chief
  364. Fraudy Kreuger
  365. Fresh Cavern Turkey Throat
  366. Friendless Urinal Cake
  367. Frisker-in-Chief
  368. Frisky Frisker
  369. Fruit of the Loom
  370. Fruit of the Loon
  371. Fuckface von Clownstick
  372. Full Diaper
  373. Genghis Con
  374. Ghengis Can't
  375. Giant Orange Cockroach
  376. Ginger Genghis
  377. Girth Vader
  378. Godzilla with Less Foreign Policy Experience
  379. Gold Yeller
  380. Golden Calf of Doom
  381. Golden Wrecking Ball
  382. Golf Lundgren
  383. GOP - Gang of Putin
  384. Gospel of the Fuhrer Preacher (General Mark Milley)
  385. Gossamer Skinned Bully
  386. Government Expander
  387. Grabba the Hut
  388. Grabby Wan Kenobi
  389. Grandpa Crazypants
  390. Great Grabsby,The
  391. Great Orange Hairball of Fear
  392. Great Pretender
  393. Great White Dope
  394. Great White Dope on a Self-Hanging Rope
  395. Grifter in Chief
  396. Grim Groper
  397. Grizzled Muppet
  398. Grope Dope
  399. Gruesome Grifter
  400. Grumpy
  401. Grumpy Donny
  402. Habañero Hitler
  403. Hagfish-in-Chief
  404. Hair Apparent
  405. Hair Force One
  406. Hair Furher
  407. Hair Gropenfuhrer
  408. Hair Hitler
  409. Halfwit Tweet Twit
  410. Ham Sandwich
  411. Haman-in-Chief (It's a biblical thing)
  412. Hard-on Collidor
  413. Harry HuDummy
  414. Haunted Boss-Baby
  415. He Who Shall Not Be Combed
  416. He Who Shall Not Be Named
  417. He Who Still Shall Not Be Named
  418. Hell Toupee
  419. Herr Führer Trump
  420. Herr Lugenpresse
  421. His Assholiness, Prince of Petty
  422. His Heinous
  423. Honey Baked Flim-Flam Man
  424. Hospital Laundry
  425. Human Amplifier
  426. Human Combover
  427. Human Corncob
  428. Human Tanning Bed Warning Label
  429. Human Toupee Hybrid
  430. Humpty Trumpty
  431. Hypocrite Hall of Shame
  432. Idiot with Bloodthirsty Mob
  433. Idiot Emperor
  434. Idiot's Emperor
  435. Idiot Kristallnact
  436. Ignorant Fuckmuppet
  437. Il Douche
  438. Illerate Nero
  439. Immigrant Bashing Carnival Barker
  440. Impeached President
  441. Imposter President
  442. IMPOTUS (IMpeached President Of The United States)
  443. Inciter-in-Chief
  444. Inmate # PO1135809
  445. In Venmate Irate Liar
  446. Inane Interjector
  447. Incomprehensibe Jizztrumpet
  448. Incomprehensible Fuckmuppet
  449. Individual 1
  450. Infuriator
  451. IQ45
  452. IQ of a Gnat- if that
  453. It
  454. Itty Bitty Ball Trump
  455. Jabba the Gut
  456. Jabba the Hut of Privalege 
  457. Jabba the Putz
  458. Jack the Gripper
  459. Jackass-o-Lantern
  460. Jailbird (Hopefully soon!)
  461. J. F. K. F. C.
  462. Job Security for Comedians
  463. John Baron
  464. John Boehner's Tanning Partner in Crime
  465. John Miller
  466. Justice Perverter
  467. Karen
  468. Kentucky Fried Covidiot
  469. Kermin the Fraud
  470. Kidding aside, click here for a list of Trump crimes:
  471. Kim Jong Orange
  472. King Baby Coward
  473. King Con
  474. King Leer
  475. King Moron
  476. King of Debt
  477. King of the Oompa Loompas
  478. King of Trumpistan (aka hell)
  479. King of the Whoppers
  480. King of Unintentional Comedy
  481. King Twit
  482. Klan Chowder
  483. Kleptocrat in Cars Siezing Power
  484. K-Mart Caesar
  485. Knot Z Clown
  486. Komrade Bonespurs
  487. Komrade Kumquat
  488. Kremlin Debt
  489. Kremlin Gremlin
  490. Kumquat Despot
  491. L. Ron Chubbard
  492. La Cucaracha Naranja Gigante
  493. Lady Fingers
  494. Lardass Tiddlywink
  495. Lard of the Lies
  496. Lardfather, The
  497. Lardo Caltreason
  498. Last of The Mango Mohawkans
  499. Late Stage Anakin Skywalker
  500. Law-defying, non-complying, truth-denying, dirty-lying, Russian-spying, absolutely-horrifying worst
  501. Lemonhead Elect
  502. Less Than Zero
  503. Lex Loser
  504. Liar-in-Chief
  505. Lil Donny Moscow
  506. Lingering Orange Fart
  507. Little Donnie Sissypants
  508. Little Hands Trump
  509. Little Lady Fingers
  510. Loch Ness Fraudster
  511. Loco Gordo Gringo (Spanish for Crazy Fat Gringo)
  512. Lolla Colluda
  513. Lone DeRanger
  514. Lord Commander Marmalade
  515. Lord Dampnut
  516. Lord Dampnuts (it’s an anagram)
  517. Lord of the Whine
  518. LOSER
  519. Loser-In-Chief
  520. Looser Lalipalloza
  521. lowercase president
  522. Lower Everything President
  523. Lumbering Garbage Barge
  524. Lyin Donald
  525. Lyin King
  526. Macaulay Sulkin'
  527. Machado Meltdown
  528. Macho McGrump
  529. Mad Man
  530. Mad Putz-Prince Trumprecht
  531. Mad Shambler
  532. Madking Littlehands
  533. Madman
  534. Maga-Lardo
  535. Maladroit Savage Spiraling Out of Control
  536. Malignant Mango
  537. Malignant Narcissist 
  538. Mallowmar Gadaffi
  539. Man-boy who Thought Windmills Cause Cancer
  540. Man Behind the Bronzer
  541. Manchurian Cantelope
  542. Mandarin Manchurian Candidate
  543. Mandarin Orange Mugabe
  544. Mandarin Malignancy
  545. Mandarin Moussalini 
  546. Mangled Apricot Hellbeast
  547. Mangu Detumescence (loss of erection)
  548. Mango Maniac
  549. Mango Moron
  550. Mango Mussolini
  551. Mango Mysogynist
  552. Mangu Unchained
  553. Mar-a-Lardo
  554. Marginally Sentient Spray-tan
  555. Marie Antoinette in a Fat Suit
  556. Marmalade Mussolini
  557. Marmalade VonDouche
  558. Master Hater
  559. Mayonaise Sculpture
  560. Mayor McTreason
  561. McBumbaclaat Snarfer
  562. McCheetoe Dick
  563. MEGA-low-maniac
  564. MeinHairTrump
  565. Melinai's Hope-to-be-X
  566. Melania's Soon-to-be-X
  567. Menage-a-Treason
  568. Mentally Challenged Orange
  569. Mocro Brain
  570. Mike Pence's X-friend
  571. Mini Dick Pseudo Mogul
  572. Minute Maid Mao
  573. Miss Trial (Drag name... mistrial... get it?)
  574. Missing commitment to partnership (Angela Merkel)
  575. Moldy Sweet Potato 
  576. Molester-in-Chief
  577. Moneydiaper McStupid
  578. Monster-in-Chief 
  579. Moron
  580. Moron von Narcissist
  581. Mosquito Bloodsucker Lies to His Fans
  582. Mount Flushmore
  583. Mountain Douche
  584. Moussolini's Taint
  585. Mr. Firepants
  586. Mr. Inappropriate
  587. My Little Phony
  588. My Little Pony
  589. Mr Tangerine Man
  590. Mrs Putin
  591. Mrs Steve Banon
  592. Mushroom Dick
  593. Mushroom Dong
  594. My Pollow Guy's Pillow
  595. Nacho Nazi
  596. Name-caller in Chief
  597. Napolean Boner Pill
  598. Napolean Bonespurs
  599. Narcissistic Human Airhorn
  600. Narcisyphilis
  601. Nazi
  602. Nazimodo
  603. New York Dork
  604. Nightmare-in-Chief
  605. Nightmare in the Oval Office
  606. Nocabulary
  607. Nostra Dumbass
  608. Not a Funny Joke
  609. Notorious B.I.G.O.T.
  610. Notorious KFC
  611. NOTUS
  612. Nut Dumb Nut Dumber
  613. Nylon Haired Man
  614. Oaf of Office
  615. Odius Orange
  616. Ole' Drink-With-Two-Hands
  617. Ole Yeller
  618. Old #45
  619. Old President Crazypants
  620. Old Wack Donald
  621. One Disgusting Human Being
  622. One Term Failure
  623. One Trick Phony
  624. One-Man Crime-Spree
  625. Optimus Crime
  626. Orange Abomination
  627. Orange Antichrist
  628. Orange Anus
  629. Orange Anusmouth
  630. Orange Bag of Rotten Cucumbers
  631. Orange Bigot
  632. Orange Blowfish
  633. Orange Bozo
  634. Orange Caligula
  635. Orance Conman
  636. Orange Crap Baby Man
  637. Orange Devil
  638. Orange Douche Nozzle
  639. Orange Dubious Caesar
  640. Orange Egplant
  641. Orange Face
  642. Orange Foolius
  643. Orange Fruitcake
  644. Orange Imbecile
  645. Orange is the New Splat
  646. Orange Jesus
  647. Orange Julius
  648. Orange Menace
  649. Orange Messiah
  650. Orange Monster
  651. Orange Moron
  652. Orange Moronic Lothario
  653. Orange Omen of Doom
  654. Orange Pol Pot
  655. Orange Sex Pest
  656. Orange Shithole
  657. Orange Shitstain
  658. Orange Shitweasel
  659. Orange Slime
  660. Orance Slimebucket
  661. Orange Stain
  662. Orange Thousandiare
  663. Orange Toilet Bowl Crud Brought to Life as a Genital-Grabbing Golem
  664. Orange Turd
  665. Orange Tyrant
  666. Orange-Tufted Asshole
  667. Orange-Tufted Imbecile Intent on Armageddon
  668. Orange Wankmaggot 
  669. Orangina
  670. OrangeMange
  671. OranguTAN
  672. Our Former Fiasco
  673. Otto von Skidmark
  674. PABOTUS (Pussy Ass Bitch of the United States)
  675. Pain Filled Laughter-Toad
  676. Pantone Beelzebub
  677. Papaya Batista
  678. Papaya Pol Pot
  679. Pariah Carey
  680. Pashkudnik (Yiddish: Revolting, disgusting, evil person. Also Salute-to-Putin Russian twang)
  681. Pathetic Looser
  682. Peach Nehi President
  683. PEEotus
  684. PEEOTUS
  685. Penis Pumpkinhead
  686. Pepto-Abysmal
  687. Peril
  688. Persimmon Toddler
  689. Petulant Yam
  690. Picasso of Pettiness
  691. Piece of F***ing S**t
  692. Piece of Totally Useless S**t
  693. Pigface Of The United States (POTUS)
  694. Pile of Old Garbage Covered in Vodka Sauce
  695. Pillsbury Duh Boy
  696. Pinocchip President
  697. Pinocchio Todler
  698. Piss Trumpet of the United States
  699. Pity-Pot Von Sniffmybutt
  700. Pmurt (name backwards, as he did to the country)
  701. Poop Tweeter
  702. Poopy Doodle Head
  703. Poor Loser
  704. POS (Apologies to s**t everywhere for the comparison)
  705. POSAM (Piece of S**t A**hole Motherf***er)
  706. POSOTUS
  707. Poster Child of American Decline
  708. PoutyPuss
  709. P.P.Barnum
  710. President Blowhole
  711. President Butterball
  712. President Coward
  713. President Disaster
  714. President Flim-Flam
  715. President Girth Wind and Liar
  716. President Gold Man Sucks
  717. President Grabit
  718. President Grand Theft Autocrat
  719. President If-Urine-You’re-In
  720. President Karen
  721. President Poopie-pants
  722. President Rancid Velveeta
  723. President Snowflake
  724. President Spanky McLiarFace
  725. President Tang
  726. President* Trump
  727. President Von Munchousen
  728. Presidick
  729. Pretender-in-Chief
  730. Prima Donald
  731. Prince Cheesypoof
  732. Prince of Swine
  733. Prisoner # (fill in the blank)
  734. Public Access Caligula
  735. Pudgy McTrumpcake
  736. Puerile Sophomoric Sniveler
  737. Pumpkin Potemkin by the Potomic
  738. Pumpkin Messiah
  739. Pumpkin Pinochet
  740. Pumpkin Spice Satan
  741. Pumpkin Spiced Cheeto Christ
  742. Pussy-Ass-Bitch
  743. Pussy-Grabber in Chief
  744. Pussy-Groper in Chief
  745. Putin’s BFF
  746. Putin's Bitch
  747. Putin's Lap Dog
  748. Putin’s Papaya-Flavored Pawn
  749. Putin's Pee-Pee-Pal
  750. Putin’s Pet
  751. Putino Weino
  752. Putin's Gambit
  753. Putin's Puppet
  754. Putz
  755. Quarter Flounder
  756. Queen's Reich
  757. Quisling of Queens
  758. Rabble-Rousing Demagogue
  759. Racist-in-Chief
  760. Racist, Sexist Pig
  761. Radioactive Idiot
  762. Rancid Garbage Pils
  763. Re-Count of Monty Cristo
  764. Red Don
  765. Reichstag Moment (from General Mark A Milley)
  766. Republican Rapture Inducer
  767. Republi-Crap
  768. Resting Crime Face
  769. Riptide of Regression
  770. Rollie Short Fingers
  771. Rome Burning in Man Form
  772. Rotted Jack-O-Lantern
  773. Rotten Banana
  774. Rotting Pumpkin Messiah
  775. Rufous Butt Rumpet
  776. Rufous Diaperdump
  777. Rufous Fuckface
  778. Rufous Tyrant
  779. Rump
  780. Rumpled Trumpsmirk
  781. Ryan’s Nope
  782. Sack of Gilded Lunchmeet
  783. Sad-itionist
  784. Salmon Sadist
  785. SAP (Sad and Pathetic)
  786. Sap (18th Centruy British SapSkull)
  787. Say It Ain't Joe
  788. Scam Delorean
  789. Scammy Doofus, Jr.
  790. Scampaigner
  791. Schmuck a' L'orange
  792. Scone Spurs
  793. Scooby Douche
  794. Scooby Coup
  795. Screaming Carot Deamon
  796. Screaming Carot Demon
  797. Scrooge McSchmuck
  798. Scrooge McTrump
  799. SCROTUS (So-Called Ruler of the United States)
  800. Scum
  801. Scumdog Thousandiare (He scammed billions as potus. Prior, see Orange Thousandaire)
  802. Serial Feeler
  803. Seriously???
  804. Sexual-Predator-in-Chief
  805. Shady Marmalade
  806. Shakespeare of Shit
  807. Shambling Sasquatch
  808. Shameless
  809. Shameless Tweeter
  810. Sherbert Pervert
  811. Shit Hitting the Fan
  812. Shit-Show Host
  813. Shitty Show Host
  814. Shitler
  815. Short-Fingered Vulgarian
  816. Silver Spoon Scion
  817. Sir Rants-a-Lot
  818. Sir Sissypants
  819. Slime-Prone Cowboy
  820. Slob Father
  821. Snathcy McGrabbin
  822. Sniffles
  823. Sniveling Sidekick
  824. Sociopathic 70-Year-Old Toddler
  825. Sophomoric Sniveler
  826. Soulless Nightmare
  827. Spanky
  828. Spanky McBonespurs
  829. Spray-on-Tan-the-President-Man
  830. Squid Pro Quo
  831. Squirrelwig McRacistPants
  832. Stupid Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Nazi Potus
  833. Stark Terror
  834. Stonewall Jackass
  835. Stuporman
  836. Suicide Bummer
  837. Sulk Hogan
  838. Suma Cum Fraude
  839. Sunburned Stalin
  840. Sunkist Stalin
  841. Super Cala Fragilistic Expiali Douch-Bag
  842. Super-callous-fragile-ego-extra-braggadocious
  843. Super Lying Fragile Racist Whiny Braggadoicios
  844. Swamp Draining Lizard-Man-Toddler
  845. Swampopotamus
  846. Sweeny Fraud
  847. Sweet Potato Saddam
  848. Syphilitic Apricot
  849. T-Dump
  850. Tainted Plaintiff 
  851. Talking Yam
  852. Tandalorian
  853. Tang Tyrant
  854. Tangello Fruit Roll-Up Stretched Over Cat Litter
  855. Tangerine Ball Bag
  856. Tangerine Catastrophe
  857. Tangerine Crosby
  858. Tangerine Conman
  859. Tangerine Douchenozzle
  860. Tangerine Nightmare
  861. Tangerine Nutsack
  862. Tangerine Palpatine
  863. Tangerine Shitler
  864. Tangerine Skidmark
  865. Tangerine Tainted Trash Can Fire
  866. Tangerine Tornaro
  867. Tangerine Torndao
  868. Tangerine Turd
  869. Tangerine Twatwaffle
  870. Tangering Twitter Machine
  871. Tangerine Tyrant
  872. Tangerine Wankmaggot
  873. Tangerweenie
  874. Tanning Bed Warning Label
  875. Tantrum-Thrower-in-Chief
  876. Tax Darth Evader
  877. Team Treason
  878. Teeny Weenie Mussolini
  879. Tefflon Donnie
  880. Temper Tantrump
  881. Terra Cotta Turdface
  882. Terrible Twitler
  883. TFG = The Former Guy (He who shall not be named)
  884. Thankfully Out of Office!
  885. That Florida Guy
  886. The Aspirating Dictator Within
  887. The Dim Reaper
  888. The Enemy Within
  889. The Insurrectionist Within
  890. The Lyin King
  891. The Poo-Poo
  892. The President You Have When You Don't Have a President
  893. The Problem
  894. The Real Dim Shady
  895. The Ruinator
  896. The Trumpinator
  897. The Twice Impeached X-President Within
  898. The Serial Liar & Con Man Within
  899. The unfortunate presidency (doesn't deserve caps)
  900. The Wrath of Con
  901. The Sexual Predator Within
  902. Thick Skinned Idiot
  903. Thin Skinned Orange Peel
  904. Thousandaire
  905. Thousand-airehole
  906. Tic-Tacky Trump
  907. Tie-Coon
  908. Tighty Whitey Bulger
  909. Tiny Finger Vulgarian
  910. Tiny-fingered, Cheeto Faced, Feret Wearing, Shitgibbon
  911. Tiny Hand Middle Finger
  912. Toadstool Shaped Dong
  913. Todler Messiah
  914. Toilet Flusher in Chief
  915. Toilet Tweeter
  916. TOTUS (Traitor of the United States)
  917. Touped Fucktrumpet
  918. Total-Loser-in-Chief
  919. Toupée Fiasco
  920. Toxic Burger Fart
  921. Tocix Orange
  922. Traffic Cone of Treason
  923. Traitor (okay, true but not funny)
  924. Traitor the Hut
  925. Traitor Toilet Flusher
  926. Traitor Tot
  927. Traitor Trump
  928. Traitorous Dingleberry
  929. Trash Hole
  930. Treason Cerebro
  931. Treason Weasel
  932. Treasons Greetings
  933. Tricky Trump
  934. TrollerBird
  935. Tropicana Mussolini
  936. tRump
  937. Trump Brulée
  938. Trump Card
  939. Trumpalump
  940. Trumpamaniac
  941. Trumpanzee
  942. Trumparius
  943. Trumpasoreass Rex
  944. Trumpdozer
  945. Trumpenstein
  946. Trumpinator
  947. Trumpkin (Orange outside. Hollow inside. Thrown out in November)
  948. Trumpkopf
  949. Trumple Doodle-Doo
  950. Trumpledore
  951. Trumple-ThinSkin
  952. Trumpnazi
  953. Trumpocalypse
  954. Trumprangutang
  955. Trumptastrophe
  956. Trumpthechumps
  957. Trumpty Dumpty
  958. Trumpunzel
  959. Tufted Taliban
  960. Turd Reich
  961. TV Show Twat
  962. Tweetiloni
  963. Twice Impeached President
  964. Twitter Banned for Life
  965. Twiter-compensating tiny-dickster
  966. Twitler Twat
  967. Twitler
  968. Two-Bit Caesar
  969. Tyrant-a-sore-ass Wreck
  970. UNA (Unrepentant Narcissistic Asshole)
  971. Un-American
  972. Unchained Disappointment
  973. Unchained Sedition
  974. Unhinged
  975. Uniquely underqualified and overblown king of bragging and whining
  976. Un-presidented
  977. Unpresidented Ineloquent Omniscient Clairvoyant Narcissistic Megalomaniac Egotistical Irresponsible Sociopath
  978. Unreality King
  979. Urine Haired Usurper
  980. Unwelcome in NY
  981. Vanilla ISIS
  982. Vanity Manatee
  983. Velveeta Tweeta
  984. Velveeta Voldemort
  985. Venom-Drenched Regurgitated Slimy Orange Hairball
  986. Victim-in-Chief
  987. Village Idiot
  988. Voled-Moron
  989. Walker Taxes Evader
  990. Walking Punchline
  991. Wankpuffin
  992. Wanna-Be Dictator
  993. Wanna-Be-Dingbat
  994. Wanna-Be-Tyrant
  995. Waxed Gritty
  996. Wayne Bail-y (AA)
  997. Weapons Grade Plum
  998. Weaselhead Fucknugget
  999. Whiner in Chief
  1000. Whiner in the Whitehouse
  1001. Whiny Little Bitch
  1002. Whiney the Coup
  1003. White Kanye
  1004. White Pride Piper
  1005. White Scrotus
  1006. Whited Sepulchre, The
  1007. Whopper with Crime
  1008. Wicked Pout Fest
  1009. Wicked Witch of the West Wing
  1010. Windmill Cancer King
  1011. Witch Hunted Claimant 
  1012. Witless Cocksplat
  1013. Witless Wonder
  1014. World's Greatest Troll
  1015. Worst President in History
  1016. Xenophobic Sweet Potato
  1017. X-President
  1018. X-POTUS Poser
  1019. Yam Vader
  1020. Yellow Bluberine
  1021. YMCA-hole!
  1022. You Know Coup
  1023. Zen Master of Hate
  1024. Zit with Dark Secrets