"Gifts from You to YOU"
Posted by Jane A. Gordon on 25th Jun 2019
from you to you. Why not? A love affair
with yourself is a lifelong romance.
What does it mean to be a caring person? Some might imagine that there is such a thing as selfish vs selfless, but I propose that life is more fulfilling and joyful when we view these two concepts differently.
More than 2,000 years ago, Hillel asked “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”
These questions imply a duality of responsibility, first to our self, and at the same time to others. There is no competition between the self and selfless. On every flight we are reminded that in the event of an emergency we must put on our own air mask before helping others. What use are we if we are unconscious?
If we allow ourselves to become drained, we won’t have much of ourselves to give to others. The beautiful irony is that the more we give ourselves away, the more we have ourselves to enjoy. What we do for others, we do for our self.
We have this one life. How will we spend it? Will we take the easy route or fight the good fights? If we hit what appears to be failure, will be fall and stay down, or brush ourselves off to jump higher? Will we spend our time apologizing, starving ourselves of all our desires, afraid and destroying our own dreams, or will we believe in ourselves, take risks, bring dreams into reality, share joy, and in living our best lives, inspire all around us?
You’ve got this! As Henry Kissinger reminds us: “A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” You are a diamond- no one can break you. Shine bright!
It is important in life to clearly define our core values. They will serve as our guides in times of wavering. When we are calm and focused it’s easy to live by our values. Inevitably times will come when we are feeling overwhelmed, frightened, or in some other way distracted. This is when our core values, the foundation of who we are and who we want to be, will serve us best.
Wearing a touchstone, a reminder is not necessary, and at the same time wearing something for its physical beauty which also reminds us of the person we strive to be is powerful – just like you!
Remember: True beauty comes from within. You are the gift. Always give the best of yourself and give yourself the best!
“Love & Gratitude” bracelet by Jane A Gordon.
Look for the best in
everyone and every situation.
Savor our blessings. Give someone a smile today.
Care for yourself
while saving the world, one person at a time.