This was one of my all-time favorite handbags. I bought it in both black and white, and loved these so much that I never bought another small black bag for more than 20 years, until I saw a small bag in Vietnam that I also loved. To this day I've never bought another small white bag.
It turns out that I loved Chanel bags long before I was aware of Chanel. I used to buy handbags from street vendors, not realizing that they were Chanel knock-offs until someone saw them in my closet and commented on them. I still didn't know anything about designer clothes, bags, etc. until the 1990's when my then-fiancé wanted me to dress differently and took me shopping replacing my entire wardrobe.
Back to these... since I am just not using them much anymore, I was thinking maybe someone might enjoy them as much as I.
Classic Black Square Mini Flap Bag
Created by Karl Lagerfeld upon his arrival at Chanel in 1983
$10,200 at Chanel
Chanel Shoulder Bag
Two Available, Black and White
Interlocking CC Logo
Black Caviar Textured Leather
Gold-Tone Hardware
Chain-Link Shoulder Strap
Single Exterior Pocket
Leather Lining & Dual Interior Pockets
Flap Closure at Front
Turn-Lock Closure at Front
Handbags are final sale and are not returnable
Shoulder Strap Drop: 20.5"
Height: 5.75"
Width: 6.25"
Depth: 3.25"
Very Good
Minor residue at interior; minor wear at the corners
This has not been refurbished, so we might be able to fix that.