It turns out that I loved Chanel bags long before I was aware of Chanel. I used to buy handbags from street vendors, not realizing that they were Chanel knock-offs until someone saw them in my closet and commented on them. I still didn't know anything about designer clothes, bags, etc. until the 1990's when Michael, my then-fiancé, wanted me to dress differently and took me shopping replacing my entire wardrobe.
This bag was pink when I bought it, but I decided to make a change and had it died black, but still allowing the stitching to remain pink, to match and coordinate with the interior. This matches a fabulous Thierry Mugler suit I plan to post, which is also black on the outside with pink lining the same color as the interior of the bag. Please let me know if you want to see pictures if I have not posted yet.
Classic Mini Handbag
Chanel Handbag
Black with Pink Stitching-Pink Interior
Interlocking CC Logo
Lambskin Leather
Gold-Tone Hardware
Short Hand Strap
Double Interior Pockets
Leather Lining
Flap Closure at Front
Turn-Lock Closure at Front
Handbags are final sale and are not returnable
Strap Height: 5.5"
Height: 5.5"
Width: 6.5"
Very Good
Interior could use cleaning
Can be refurbished to look even more amazing